Thursday, February 21, 2008


and..we're back. after a ridiculously long hiatus.
there's been an interesting trend lately.
dare i say it, a 'recycle theme'
where all things old become new again.
and okay..this is totally off topic and sort of old news, but
the first season of project runway canada rocked. never have i seen such amazing creative talent squeezed out of designers in a reality tv series that conveyed so much art, beauty and genius.
evan biddell, carlie wong, mj and lucian matias were absolutely phenomenal designers. Each had their own artistic flair and distinct infusion of haute couture, the clothes created for the challenges on the show were sooo innovative and exceptionally well done under the time constraints. Well, what i'm REALLY wondering, is when are they going to start selling their designs to the public? i mean, i hate to admit but i'm really kind of 'addicted2biddell' (haha he's even got a website for tshirts that say that!)

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