Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Today's weather sparked an opportunity to check out Vancouver's "The Umbrella Shop" website. It's so much fun shopping for umbrellas because its a melding of practicality and style. If it weren't for Vancouver's beautiful summers, I seriously could not live here. But perusing umbrellas and other gear make it tolerable. LOL--actually, its just plain awesome.
Of course, part of the fun is the deliberation process: smaller umbrella or more stability? beautiful print or a lower price point? golf umbrellas or single person umbrellas?
Bubble Umbrella: I bought this model from the umbrella shop a while back... but it mysteriously "just broke because it was getting old". At least thats what my brother said after borrowing it. Luckily, the umbrella shop offers repair services for their products, assuming its general condition warrants it.

Art Print O/C Folding: What a novelty! It looks just like the top of an antique Tiffany lamp. "Placed on a convieniant automatic frame, this 48" inch arc umbrella has fiberglass ribs for extra strength." I think this could really brighten up the prospect of waiting at the bus stop in the rain. If it weren't for the fact that giving umbrellas is a huge faux pas traditionally, it would make a great present. I suppose it'll just have to be a present for myself then. It comes in a folding umbrella style too. (I ended up buying this one!)

Doorman: Great design. Its labeled as a golf umbrella so I suppose its one of those massive umbrellas that can cover 2 people comfortably. Con: ...not sure yet. Im sure my overly critical self will come up with something soon... might be too big? NAH> out of propotion things like coffee cups, sunglasses and bags are way cool.

Pagoda: Pro: Just look at it-- its a work of art! Its designed by "the umbrella shop" to "recreate a historical look with modern colours and strength." The white is my favorite, but it comes in other colors such as black, lime, an electric tinge of purple, and a shade of pink called dragonfuit. Con: I can only get one? ( I ended up buying this one too!)

Which leads me to my next point...

Pagodina: Or as I call it, the super pagoda. It reminds me of how sailor moon gets upgrades, power and wardrobe wise, after each season. Its made in italy, which means it either a very well made umbrella or a justification for "euro" price. But my goodness is it pretty!
I know, its so hard to choose.

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